NIH/NIDCD Translational-R01 (P.I.: Han)
“Towards Clinical Translation of Penetrating Multisite Device for Cochlear Nucleus”
Dept. of Defense–Army, CDMRP (Co-P.I.: Han)
“Focused Ultrasound Neural Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury”
NIH/NINDS Research Resources Grant R24 (P.I.: Han)
“Chronically-Implantable Multisite Microelectrode Arrays”
DoD/Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (P.I.: Han)
“Chronically-Implanted Microelectrode Arrays and Their Stability In-Vivo”
NIH/NIBIB R21 (P.I.: Han)
“Development and Evaluation of Biodegradable Neural Probes”
NIH/OD R21-Supplemental (P.I.: Han)
“Development and Evaluation of Biodegradable Neural Probes”
NIH/NIRR S10 (P.I.: Han)
“Multi-Channel Electrochemical Measurement System”
J.W. and Ida Jameson Foundation (P.I.: Han)
“Instruments for a novel less-invasive neural stimulation for spinal cord injury”
NIH/NINDS R01 (Role: Co-Investigator)
“Configuring microelectrodes for safe and effective chronic electrical stimulation”
NIH/NIDCD R01 (Role: Co-Investigator)
“Advanced Technology for Neural Interfaces Based on Microstimulation”
NIH/NINDS R01 (Role: Co-Investigator)
“Functional Microstimulation of the Sacral Spinal Cord for Micturition”
NIH/NIDCD R01 (Role: Co-Investigator)
“Advanced Technology for Auditory Brainstem Implants”
NIH/NINDS R01 (Role: Co-Investigator)
“Arrays for deep brain microstimulation and recording”
DoD/TATRC (Role: Co-Investigator)
“An advanced neural interface system for a cortical visual prosthesis”